Joinville Articidade, 2012

A juried program of performance presented on urban, public spaces of Joinville, Brazil. Featuring original artwork by Brazilian artists Aline van Langendonck, Pedro Cappeletti, Ângela Finardi, Angela Waltrick, Coletivo ?, Letícia Ramos, Mariana Zimmermann, Sabrina Lopes, Priscila dos Anjos and Robson Benta. Produced and curated in collaboration with Alena Marmo and Regina Melim for the Schwanke Museum of Contemporary Art. Funded by a Joinville Arts Council grant (SIMDEC).

Complete catalog (in Portuguese) available here. Selected video documentation below:

Prior to presenting the original performances, we hired local actors to re-perform important performances. Here are some:


Arte Intercidades, 2013


Out Art, 2007-2011